Software Architect
Marsh, Inc.
New York, NY
November 2002 – March 2003
• Architect of proof-of-concept (POC) J2EE portal application. This application was the basis used for evaluating the leading portal products in order to replace the current portal infrastructure. This POC exercised many J2EE features as well as clustering and integration. Subsequently developed, installed and tested the POC on 3 leading portal servers: WebLogic Portal 7.1, WebSphere Portal 4.2 and Oracle 9ias Portal. Three months were spent in intense research and experimentation with the 3 portal products along with the vendor’s expert teams on-site in order to fully exercise and evaluate their products.
• Architect on the Marsh Framework project. This project was to become a full-fledged J2EE framework which would allow for standard application building processes across all of the Marsh companies.
• Architect and developer on the Integration Hub team. The hub is a web services and XML based integration project designed to provide robust access to services developed by Marsh from within and outside the company.
• Worked on preliminary design of an Enterprise Services Bus which was based on the techniques and design used to develop the Integration Hub.
• Design was achieved with extensive UML modeling using Together Control Center and Rational Rose. Many facets of RUP were implemented in the design process, including Use Cases, UML and Iterative Development.