I was an Executive Director Software Engineer in the Asset Management division of JP Morgan Chase. My role was as an expert in designing and building highly scalable and robust Cloud Computing based systems in Kubernetes and AWS in order to provide solutions and solve problems in the portfolio management and portfolio optimization spaces.
Here are some of the highlights:
- Lead architect and engineer on a Kubernetes based multi-asset class portfolio optimization system. Designed and built the highly scalable and available system from the ground up as one of the first Kubernetes based systems to be rolled out to production in the firm. The system consists of ReactJS, Python, Java Spring Boot and Apache Ignite containers interacting using microservice patterns.
- Led the design, creation and successful deployment of a new beta equities portfolio optimization system based on the ITG Optimizer.
- Microservices and Cloud Native expert and evangelist for the Global Research Technology team.
- Lead engineer on the multi-asset portfolio management toolkit.
- Responsible for the rollout of numerous Cloud Native implementations.
- Skills: Kubernetes, Cloud Native, AWS, Java, Python, ReactJS, Spring Cloud, Cloud Foundry