TRS-Pic is a Google Images browser for your MISE equipped TRS-80 Model I or your M3SE equipped TRS-80 Model III or Model 4 with a broadband internet connection.


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You can download TRS-Pic here

Once you unzip, you can copy the appropriate commands for your TRS-80 using the MISE/M3SE FTPD service. Be sure to transfer using Binary mode. See the README.TXT for more details.





You can search for images just like you do in Google Images. Here is what the TRS-Pic title screen looks like on a TRS-80 Model I.








Here is Boba Fett as viewed on a TRS-80 Model 4 with a Hi-Res card.






The search results screen on a TRS-80 Model 4.









Here is Boba Fett again, this time viewed on a TRS-80 Model I with standard 128×48 resolution.







Here is Boba Fett again, this time viewed on a TRS-80 Model I using the MISE PCG-80 emulation on a VGA monitor.